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This page contains free and public materials of its own authorship and third parties, all gathered to support the innovation ecosystem. Copyright and publication rights belong exclusively to the respective authors and publishers. The opinions expressed in the materials are the sole responsibility of their owners and do not necessarily reflect the views of IBIS.


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INOVASAU Podcast - 1st Season

A podcast that presents and discusses healthcare innovation strategies with key players in the ecosystem. Entrepreneurs, investors, academics, corporate managers and government officials are invited to a chat that addresses the urgency of healthcare innovation.

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Brazilian Guide to Healthcare Startups

Brazilian Guide to Healthcare Startups produced by the Brazilian Pharmaceutical Innovation Network, Sindusfarma and Biominas Brasil, which offers an overview of Brazilian biotechnology innovations, investment scenarios and regulatory frameworks

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Intellectual Property Handbook - RBIF | INPI

The result of a partnership between Sindusfarma and the Brazilian Pharmaceutical Innovation Network (RBIF), the entity's arm for innovation-related issues, and with the support of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), the Intellectual Property booklet has the main objective of directing companies to general knowledge about the application for registration of trademarks, patents and contracts related to technology transfer.

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TRL Guide - Technological Maturity Level for the Development of New Medicines - RBIF | Sindusfarma

The "TRL Guide - Technological Maturity Level for the Development of New Medicines" aims to support the pharmaceutical production chain by relating the technical elements of the sector with the TRL (Technology Readiness Level) metric, created in the 1970s by NASA - the US space agency - and widely used in several global segments to assess the level of technological maturity of innovations.

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Informative Guide for Biotechnology Startups - Abiquifi | Sail for Health

The "Information Guide for Biotechnology Startups" was developed to provide an accessible overview of the Brazilian regulatory landscape, with a focus on biotechnology companies. The material addresses the importance of regulatory knowledge, highlighting essential steps such as interaction with ANVISA, drug approval processes and the challenges of clinical research.

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Guidance Guide for the Importation of Equipment and Supplies for Research with Tax Exemption

Guidance Guide for the import of equipment and supplies for research purposes with tax exemption, focusing on the benefits provided for by the Legal Framework for Science, Technology and Innovation (MLCTI) and other laws. The guide clearly presents the legal innovations that modernize the processes, detailing the import steps and the requirements for researchers, ICTs and companies to benefit from tax exemptions.

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Deep Tech Brazil Report 2024 - Emerge

Study of trends and opportunities in the deep tech startup ecosystem in Brazil. Free material organized by Emerge.

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Corporate Venture Capital no Brasil e no Mundo - 2024 by Valetec Capital

This report provides a comprehensive overview of Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) in the current scenario, with analysis of global and local trends and perspectives shared by market leaders. With recent data, it provides a solid foundation for understanding the role of CVC in a changing business environment, especially useful for companies considering starting their activities in this area.

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Regulatory Manual for Vaccine Developers - Fiocruz

This manual aims solely to address and compile the requirements for obtaining vaccine registration, since the range of legislation is not covered in a single compendium, thus moving away from any regulatory activity and providing researchers with guidance on the evidence needs to be acquired during the development of a vaccine.

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Fundraising for Venture Capital Funds in Latin America and the Caribbean - IDB

This inaugural edition on the state of Fundraising for Venture Capital (VC) Funds in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is based on data collected from IDB Labs recent calls for proposals for investment management firms seeking equity financing for VC funds.

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Mapping of the Brazilian Startup Ecosystem - 2024 ABStartups / Deloitte

The Mapping of the Brazilian Startup Ecosystem is an annual update study conducted by the Brazilian Startup Association (Abstartups) since 2018. The study compiles the current panorama of the Brazilian startup ecosystem, with self-declared information from 3,005 startups mapped and active during the study's collection period.

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© 2024 - Brazilian Health Innovation Institute - IBIS

Av. Brig. Faria Lima, 1572, Sala 1022, 01451-917 São Paulo, SP | Brazil

Tel: +55 (11) 96431-6430

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